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AMITY  - Friends of Europe

“Feelings of worth can flourish only in an atmosphere where individual differences are appreciated, mistakes are tolerated, communication is open, and rules are flexible ” Virginia Satír


In the learning and development concept of Origo Workshop and its network, a sustainable future can only be built by conscious, compassionate young people and their friendly communities who are aware in body, mind, and spirit. Within the Amity network, the sustainability of our future relies on these two main pillars: mental health/well-being and sustainable green actions.

A significant and increasing number of young people across Europe are expressing high levels of stress, anxiety, and depression amongst their peers due to crisis situations such as war, economic challenges, pandemics, and the demands of hustle culture. The network aims to focus on preventive measures that ensure young people and their supporters are equipped with the knowledge and skills required for better mental well-being.

Beneath this, our second pillar is environmental sustainability, which serves as a catalyst for positive mental health and well-being states among young people. Origo Workshop and its network empower youth to create more beautiful, sustainable, inclusive urban and rural environments and communities. We recognize that young people should have the opportunity to co-create the spaces they live in and engage in meaningful debates about behaviors and lifestyles. We acknowledge that diverse perspectives and expertise are fundamental to generating beautiful, inclusive experiences.

"Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them."



At Amity Network, our mission is built upon three fundamental pillars that shape our commitment to creating a better future for all: Sustainability, Mental Health, and Youth Work. These pillars guide our efforts as we organize a wide range of seminars, conferences, exchange programs, and training sessions, typically spanning from 1 to 10 days, aimed at addressing these critical issues.


Mental health

Committed to Quality

We are dedicated to breaking down barriers and fighting limiting beliefs that hinder personal growth and happiness. Our focus on mental health revolves around creating a more accepting and open approach to life. We believe in nurturing emotional well-being, fostering balance, and harmonizing the mind. Our programs and resources are designed to empower individuals to lead mentally healthy lives.




Committed to Future

In a world where the environment faces unprecedented challenges, we champion sustainability with a strong emphasis on community thinking and practical tools for a livable future. We believe in promoting a simpler way of life that reduces our ecological footprint. Our initiatives encourage individuals and communities to embrace eco-conscious practices and foster a sense of responsibility towards our planet.


Youth work

Comitted to Recognition

Recognizing the vital role young people play in shaping our world, we prioritize youth work. This involves acknowledging the importance of youth voices and building self-governing youth groups. Through youth exchanges, volunteering projects, and other initiatives, we provide opportunities for young individuals to grow, learn, and contribute positively to their communities. We believe that by empowering today's youth, we are nurturing leaders and changemakers for tomorrow.

Podcast: Flow with your Elements - Szalkó Zsuzsi gyermekvédelemben dolgozó szakember  beszámoló

Podcast: Flow with your Elements - Szalkó Zsuzsi gyermekvédelemben dolgozó szakember beszámoló

Itt a "Flow with Your Elements" podcast legújabb epizódjában, ahol Szalkó Zsuzsi, szociális munkás, osztja meg velünk élményeit az Erasmus+ által támogatott, azori szigeteken megrendezett tréningről. Ebben az epizódban Zsuzsi és Szeghalmi Etelka mélyreható beszélgetést folytatnak arról, hogyan alkalmazhatók az ifjúsági munkában a 5 elem rendszerének elvei, és hogyan segítette ez a tréning Zsuzsit a mentális egészségének védelmében a mindennapokban. 🌟 A podcastban különleges történeteket és tapasztalatokat osztunk meg, amelyek inspirációként szolgálhatnak az ifjúsági munkásoknak, szociális szakembereknek, és mindazoknak, akik a mentális egészség, az önismeret és a személyes fejlődés iránt érdeklődnek. 🔍 Ebben az epizódban megtudhatod: Hogyan használhatók a 5 elem elvei az ifjúsági munkában. Milyen hatással volt a tréning a résztvevők mentális egészségére. Milyen gyakorlati módszereket alkalmaztak a tréning során. Zsuzsi személyes tapasztalatai és tanulságai a tréningen. ✨ Nézd meg a podcastot, és merülj el Te is a "Flow with Your Elements" izgalmas világában! 👉 Ne felejtsd el feliratkozni a csatornánkra a további inspiráló tartalmakért, és oszd meg ezt a videót, ha úgy érzed, másokat is érdekelhet! 🔗 A projektről bővebben: #FlowWithYourElements #ErasmusPlus #MentalHealthInYouthWork #5Elements #PersonalGrowth #Inspiration
Podcast: What is environmental sustainability in youth work? talk with Erika Kármán

Podcast: What is environmental sustainability in youth work? talk with Erika Kármán

In this episode of “What is authentic sustainability in youth work?”, our host Zsuzska Juhász welcomes an exceptional guest, Erika Kármán. Erika is not just an advocate for sustainability; she's a true visionary in the field of sustainability and youth work. With a wealth of experience in building sustainable communities with her organization Szatyor Association - and participating in transformative Erasmus Plus projects, she's a leading voice in this crucial area.Erika's passion for sustainability shines through in her work. Her dedication to creating a better future is both inspiring and motivating. Her expertise in sustainability is the foundation of today's conversation. One of the key topics discussed in this episode is the importance of engaging young people in sustainability. Erika delves into the role of youth in shaping sustainable communities and shares insights on how to empower the next generation to become change-makers.Erika emphasizes the power of non-formal education in promoting sustainability. Discover how innovative educational methods can make a difference in creating a more sustainable world. The podcast is presented within the "Amity" project, a network of 16 organizations funded by the EU. This collaboration allows for the exchange of expertise and ideas, enriching the discussion and contributing to the broader mission of promoting sustainability and youth work. Erika's insights, experiences, and dedication make her a true visionary in the field. Her work is an inspiration to us all.


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